Smart Beta

What is Smart Beta?

Smart Beta is an investing strategy that combines the agility of active investing with the stability of passive investing strategies. The goal is to realize alpha (ie above market returns) and secure higher risk adjusted return.


We provide an additional impetus to this by creating the Smart Beta portfolios using our stock selection engine. This enables us to create these portfolios readily and at a lower cost as compared to traditional methods of creating portfolios.

The Smart Investment Choice

Smart Beta is an investment strategy that emphasizes the use of alternate portfolio construction rules using factors, which are well-researched and take advantage of established market inefficiencies, in a rule-based and transparent way.

Our Approach to Momentum

There are a number of investment factors, one of which is momentum. We use momentum to select stocks from an underlying universe. The universe can be broad based segments such as large cap or mid cap. Or it could be sector specific. Portfolios are then constructed around around the underlying universe.